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달에서 36만km 떨어진 지구에서도 맨눈으로 보이는 크레이터가 있다?! 다누리가 촬영한 달의 배꼽 '...
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YTN 사이언스
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[4K Slow-Mo] Starship Flight 7 Launch & Catch // Clean Au...
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과학쿠키 [Science Cookie]
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정말 원숭이는 인간이 될 수 있을까? 진화론의 진실!
그런데 대체, 원자의 질량은 어떻게 알아냈을까? | 과학쿠키 다큐 단편
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빛이 나서 뜨거운 걸까, 뜨거워서 빛이 나는 걸까?
MIT OpenCourseWare
1. Introduction to the Human Brain
How to Speak
How opening learning can close knowledge gaps with June O...
Celebrating OCW's "NextGen" Platform with NPR's Anya Kame...
Lecture 4: PCP via GKR and Interactive Arguments, Part 1
Lecture 3: Continuation of the GKR Protocol and Corollaries
TATTOOING Close Up (in Slow Motion) - Smarter Every Day 122
How Houdini DIED (in Slow Motion) - Smarter Every Day 108
Is Your Privacy An Illusion? (Taking on Big Tech) - Smart...
How Chickens Develop Inside an Egg - Smarter Every Day 254
I Explored the World's First Nuclear Power Plant (and How...
The Backwards Brain Tractor - Smarter Every Day 305
Real Engineering
The Insane Engineering of the A-10 Warthog
How a Single Swedish Submarine Defeated the US Navy
What Actually Happened to the Concorde
Why SpaceX is Using a New Fuel
Why This V-22 Osprey Crashed
The V-22 Osprey and why it keeps crashing
최준영 박사의 지구본 연구소
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지구본 연구소 50만 구독자 기념 라이브
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재해를 몰고 오는 구름의 정체?: 하늘에 떠있는 구름 이야기 [북툰 과학다큐]
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5억5천만 년 전, 최초의 뇌는 어떻게 작동했을까? 뇌와 지능의 기원 [북툰 과학다큐]
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Marcus House
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SpaceX Starship Full Stack Imminent: This is crunch time!
The Next Starship Move Is Coming Sooner Than You Think!
Unleashing the Power of SpaceX's Starship: Why is it a Bi...
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Is Success Luck or Hard Work?
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Why Super Glue Is Perfect For Gluing Skin
엘랑의 우주정복
우주에서 총을 쏘면 총탄은 어떻게 될까?
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달에서 가장 유망한 자원은 무엇일까?
gyroplane Krucker gyro/trike 2018
150 HP Ultralight amphibian
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gyroplane gyrocopter float plane ultralight amphibious he...
coaxial helicopter .DIY helicopter
helicopter coaxial helicopter ultralight helicopter jpkru...
Kevin's Military Channel : KKMD !
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[美 War Zone] 러시아 Mi-24를 연상시키는 상륙공격헬기(MAH)를 만들어낸 한국: 생각보다 ...
[美 19fortyfive] 미국은 F-35 시장을 잠식당할 수밖에 없다? FA-50과 KF-21을 절...
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PlaneTALK | Norbert Wölfle - hat er das Fliegen verlernt?
PlaneTALK | YouTube Pilot Joey Diebolder wäre fast Zahnar...
Brick Experiment Channel
Making Lego Car CLIMB Obstacles
Making Lego Car CROSS Gaps
Free Bird Solo on Lego Guitar (99% editing skills)
Imperial March on Lego motors
Best of BEC Lego Technic Compilation. 4 Hours, 50 videos!
Making Lego Car CROSS Narrow Bridges
Full Replay: Starship SN10 Flight Test, Landing, and Post...
Full Replay: Starship SN15 sticks landing during flight test
And Then There Were Two (Towers with Chopsticks) | SpaceX...
🚀SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches Starlink 12-12
SpaceX's Massive Florida Expansion: GigaBay, LC-39A Upgra...
Capturing Space in 4K - Sen´s Charles Black - NSF Live: E...
Imperial War Museums
The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
Spitfire Mk1 to Mk24 | How Spitfires kept getting better
The BEST fighter at the start of WW2 #ww2 #history
What happened during the 1914 Christmas truce?
The most famous artwork of WW1 looks different now
The BEST thing about the M4 Sherman
TerkRecoms - Tech TV
5 Best Personal Aircraft - Passenger Drones and Flying Ca...
9 Most Advanced AI Robots - Humanoid & Industrial Robots
Chip Shortage Explained | Most Severe Chip Shortages in H...
This Electric Batmobile is Real and Fully-Functioning
14 Advanced Exoskeletons Giving Humans Super Strength & E...
SpaceX Update: How Elon Musk’s Starship Will Get Humans T...
Recently Returned Expedition 35 crew participates in Goog...
Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover Land on Mars!
NASA's SpaceX Crew-4 Astronauts Launch to the Internation...
Astronauts Talk to NASA Leaders
NASA Science Live: Asteroid Bennu Originated from World w...
US Spacewalk 92 with Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Wi...
Think Flight
World's LARGEST Rubber Band Powered Airplane?
Not Going to Walk That One Off!
Making Extreme Sports MORE Extreme (And Setting World Rec...
A Day in the Life: The Friendly Neighborhood Drone
Alight Wing Aeronautics Flik Build and Basic Setup
Silent Morning Flight Over a Cold Landscape (+ FLIK Wing/...
Falcon Heavy Test Flight
How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster
Starlink Mission
Eutelsat HOTBIRD 13G Mission
Starship | Sixth Flight Test
Making Life Multi-Planetary
Practical Engineering
How Do Sinkholes Form?
Why Concrete Needs Reinforcement
3 Million!
When Natural Gas Had No Smell
What’s Inside a Manhole?
Why are the Dutch So Good at Waterworks?
Ben Eater
The world's worst video card?
Learn how computers add numbers and build a 4 bit adder c...
Hacking a weird TV censoring device
Adapting WozMon for the breadboard 6502
Reverse engineering Microsoft BASIC
Hacking Microsoft BASIC
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