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Chaînes Youtube comme Prof. Dr. Md Shamsuzzaman
Prof. Dr. Md Shamsuzzaman
General Pathology : Lecture 1 | Introduction and Cellular...
General Pathology : Lecture 2 | Hypertrophy
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 33 | Diseases of CVS : Day 03...
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 28 | Diseases of Respiratory ...
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 37 | Diseases of CVS : Day 07...
Systemic Pathology: Lecture 36 | Diseases of CVS : Day 06...
Dr. Najeeb Lectures
Jaundice - Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment - Bilirubi...
EKG Interpretation - Master Basics of ECG - Electrocardio...
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure | Congestive Cardiac Fai...
Epilepsy | Etiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Features, ...
Acute Phase Reactants | C Reactive Protein | ESR
Heart Sounds in Mitral Stenosis | s1 | Cardiology
MIT OpenCourseWare
1. Introduction to the Human Brain
How to Speak
How opening learning can close knowledge gaps with June O...
Celebrating OCW's "NextGen" Platform with NPR's Anya Kame...
The Four Fundamental Subspaces and Least Squares
Elimination and Factorization A = CR
INFLAMMATION Part 1: General concepts, types , Vascular c...
INFLAMMATION Part 2: Cellular Events- Leukocyte Recruitment.
Thank You Everyone । 200K । ilovepathology
OVARIAN TUMORS - Part 4: Germ cell tumors: Dysgerminoma...
MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION | Complications | Ischemic heart d...
Ischemic heart disease | part 5 |MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION ...
Clinical Examination of Cirrhotic Liver Disease - Final Y...
Live Session on High yield topics in Obstetrics & Gynecol...
Clinical Edge Live+ - Community Medicine Part 1
Clinical Edge Live+ - Community Medicine Part 2
48M with sudden right hemiplegia, dysarthria & left later...
40M with weight loss, salt craving, hypotension & hyperpi...
Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos
Vagina Anatomy - Histology, Blood supply, Nerve supply, L...
Covid-19: कोरोनावायरस के संक्रमण से बचने और इम्यूनिटी बढ़...
General Medicine (Part-1) Rapid Revision By Dr Rajesh Gub...
General Medicine (Part-2) Rapid Revision By Dr Rajesh Gu...
12. National Cholesterol Education Programme: Pharmacolog...
11. Miscellaneous Drugs: Pharmacology Video Lectures
Shomu's Biology
Home remedies for urinary tract infection or UTI (urine i...
How to make sanitizer at home in hindi | homemade Hand sa...
Serum vs plasma | The difference
CSIR NET life science paper pattern
Foracort 200 and duolin 3 the best nebulizer medicines | ...
Phytochrome and cryptochrome csir net | tricks to remembe...
Rabiul Haque
Cell Injury ( Part 1 ) : Definition, Causes, Hypoxia, Dif...
Neoplasia (Part 1) : Definition, Nomenclature, Features o...
Red Blood Cell Morphology
Sideroblastic Anemia
Thalassemia Part 02: Discussion on Alpha Thalassemia
Thalassemia Part 01: Introduction, Definition, Classifica...
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pathology (31)
physiology (75)
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